Cod produs | Marime | Greutate | Culoare | Ambalare | Evolutie | Stoc | Pret (cu TVA) | Comanda acum | hf:att:pa_marime | hf:att:pa_greutate | hf:att:pa_color | hf:att:pa_ambalare | hf:att:pa_evolutie | |
SPINMAD-2807 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2807 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | 15 în stoc | 32,00 lei | | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2807 | 1buc-pac | sinking | |
SPINMAD-2806 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2806 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | 18 în stoc | 32,00 lei | | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2806 | 1buc-pac | sinking | |
SPINMAD-2804 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2804 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | Stoc epuizat | 32,00 lei | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2804 | 1buc-pac | sinking | ||
SPINMAD-2803 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2803 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | 6 în stoc | 32,00 lei | | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2803 | 1buc-pac | sinking | |
SPINMAD-2802 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2802 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | 15 în stoc | 32,00 lei | | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2802 | 1buc-pac | sinking | |
SPINMAD-2801 | 5cm | 6.5gr | 2801 | 1buc/pac | Sinking | 14 în stoc | 32,00 lei | | 5cm | 6-5gr | 2801 | 1buc-pac | sinking |
Acest model de vobler a fost creat special pentru stilurile de pescuit jiggine sau twitching pe rauri sau lacuri. Este armat cu doua ancore de inalta calitate si puternice VMC. La proiectarea acestui model s-a pus accent foarte mult pe detalii deci a rezultat o naluca ce are calitati foarte inalte. Fiecare vobler este produs si vopsit manual in Polonia. Disponibil in 9 culori foarte eficiente in apele din Romania
Impulse PRO este un vobler lipless/vibration scufundator cu o actiune naturala, intermitenta si foarte marunta.
Concluziile obtinute in timpul dezvoltarii voblerelor Impulse PRO si cererea pietei pentru o naluca mai mica pentru a completa aceasta serie au reprezentat o provocare care au dus la proiectarea si crearea unei naluci perfecte. Dupa cateva luni de pregatire, testare si accent pus pe detalii, acesta perioada se potriveste perfect cu cel mai recent model Impulse PRO. Corpul si greutatea chiar mai mici decat modelele anterioare fac din acesta un instrument nelipsit din trusa oricarui pescar de spinning. Un model excelent, chiar tentant, combinat cu o gama de culori selectate si atentia pusa pe detalii, va atrage cu siguranta fanii stilurilor jigging sau twitching. Impulse PRO este o naluca ce se adreseaza oricarui tip pe pescar (incepator / profesionist) si poate fi pescuita pe orice apa si orice tip de peste rapitor deoarece imita foarte bine mancarea naturala a acestora.
- Doua gauri de prindere a firului pentru a regla actiunea voblerului
- Detalii realiste
- Realizat si vopsit manual
- Armat cu doua ancore de inalta calitate si puternice , VMC nr.10
- Evolutia variabila : intre 0,5m si 5m
We would like to show you our new wibrant wobblers SpiNMad Impulse Pro. These are the lures which were created to jigging and twitching in rivers and still waters. We attached two strong VMC treble hooks to every lure Impulse Pro. We put a lot of impact on a details so our lures have high quality. We produce and paint every SpiNMad lures by people’s hands in Poland. Try to fish with all 9 effective colors.
Impulse Pro is a sinking vibrant wobbler.
Natural, flashing and very dense action. High effectiveness during a steady reeling or keeping in the river’s stream. Perfect for jigging and twitching in rivers and still waters.
The conclusions drawn during the development of IMPULSE baits and the market’s demand for a smaller bait to complement this series presented us with a challenge that led to the development of a perfect bait.
After months of preparation, testing and time spent on details, this term fits perfectly with the latest IMPULSE PRO bait. The even smaller body and weight of the lure make it an effective tool in the hands of any spinning enthusiasts. Amazing, even tempting work combined with selected colors and attention to detail will definitely appeal to fans of twitching and jigging. IMPULSE PRO is a bait for professionals that will open any water and outwit any predator, because they imitate their natural food to the illusion. The series consists of 9 wobblers in natural and fancy colors armed with high quality durable VMC hooks.
1. Two holes to regulate the action of lure
2. Realistic details
3. Handmade and hand-paited
4. Two strong, forged VMC treble hooks #10
5. Diving depth 0,5 m do 5 m